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2006年,随着在中国业务的蓬勃发展,西卡将中国总部迁至苏州工业园区,同期全新的技术中心也在新一期的总部厂房设立。今天,西卡中国拥有8个生产工厂和遍布全国的营销组织,生产并销售包括先进的聚羧酸盐混凝土外加剂、PVC防水卷材系统、聚氨酯密封胶、各类工业地坪材料、灌浆材料、加固与修补材料等一系列化学建材产品。西卡为客户提供从屋面到地面 –全方位的解决方案及强有力的技术支持。
西卡的国产化产品及国际产品的完美结合使其在产品质量、技术和后勤保障方面具有极强的竞争力。西卡强调系统化的解决方案,西卡对创新解决方案承诺的是满足 最基本的人类需求:抵抗自然因素,清洁水,可靠的能源供应,先进的基础交通设施,保存建筑物的价值,更加安全快捷的交通。西卡坚持使其产品系统适应客户及 终端用户不断变化的需求,因此不断拓宽了其应用范围。正如西卡使命所述:我们巩固已经取得的良好地位,并通过更新和发展我们的产品、系统、流程,开发新的 成功潜力!
西卡的研究和开发活动贯彻“全球化思路,本地化执行”的原则。公司位于瑞士总部的核心研发设施由德、法、美、日和马来西亚区域技术中心支持;该架构有利于 技术和专门知识的快速转化,拉近与市场的距离,使新的研究成果毫无拖延地在全球范围内得以执行。西卡视自己为一个“跨国本地企业”,把当地的客户需求置于 其业务活动的核心位置。公司的产品和系统,配合综合的服务体系,都非常认真地按当地需求量身定制。这就是西卡一直以来保持其高品质解决方案的关键所在。

Sika China
Dynamic development in China
Sika entered China in 1994. Due to the continued expansion of Sika in China, our headquarter Sika (China) Ltd. has moved to a new facility in Suzhou industry park in 2006, while a brand new Technology Competence Center was also built. Today, Sika operates 9 production factories and marketing & sales network through out China, produces and sells a full range of construction materials, including advanced PC concrete admixture (Viscocrete?), PVC Waterproofing membrane system, PU sealant, all kinds of industrial flooring materials, grouting materials, strengthening and repairing & protection materials etc. Sika provides total solutions from roof to floor and strong technical support. Besides for various construction purposes, Sika products are also widely used in the industrial manufacturing. Sika supplies bonding, sealing, damping and reinforcement solutions to auto manufacturing and repair, and reliable and durable waterproofing sealing solutions to marine. Meanwhile, Sika also supplies glass curtain walls, doors and window manufacturing, the sandwiches panel, wind power generation equipment, and other electrical & Industrial components with innovative design and system solutions. With excellent quality and product diversification, Sika is a market leader in China. Professional technical support and good service to our customers is our permanent commitment.

Innovative solutions
Sika's commitment to innovative solutions is designed to fulfill certain basic human needs: protection against the natural elements, clean water, dependable energy supplies, advanced transport infrastructures, maintaining the value of our buildings, safer and faster travel. Sika is constantly adapting its products and systems to the changing requirements of its customers and end users - and in so doing is continually extending the range of applications. This corresponds with Sika's corporate mission statement: "We strengthen the positions of excellence which we have reached and develop new success potentials by constantly renewing and improving our products, systems and procedures."

"Think global, act local"
Sika's research and development activities are likewise conducted on the principle "think global, act local". The company's central R&D facility in Switzerland is supported by regional technology centres in Germany, France, the USA, Malaysia and Japan. This structure facilitates the rapid transfer of technology and know-how, provides close contact with the marketplace and enables new research results to be implemented world - wide without delay. Sika regards itself as a "multi-domestic" company, which puts the needs of local customers at the very centre of its business activities. The company's products and systems, backed by comprehensive service packages, are strictly tailored to local market needs.


公司地址: 苏州工业园区泾东路28号
邮政编码: 215121
公司网站: http://www.sika.com